Warhammer 40k 6th edition rulebooks are being ordered tommorrow Tue June 26th 2012. Anyone who has not pre-ordered a copy but would like to have one all to themselves please send an email to phoenxgames@verizon.com . indicate your name and which version of the rulebook you would like and i will order it. On june 26th at 12pm the pre-order window is closed and you will have to wait n see how many make it to the shelves to get your own copy.
Read the following M13 Pre-release notes and then earn free booster packs!
One free booster pack to anyone who signs up before july 1st!
One free booster pack to anyone who brings a new MTG player to the pre-release!!
- "new player booster" is achieved by bringing a player who has not attended our previous Pre-release parties!!
Thanks hope to see you all there!!
Attention all MTG!
We are having a Pre realease party July 6th @ 11:59 Pm. 6 packs M13 sealed event 25.00 entry
2nd event July 7th 6pm 6 packs M13 sealed event 25.00
3rd evetn July 8th 5pm 6 packs m13 sealed event 25.00
We plan to have lots of prize support and rewards so please sign up!!!
There will also be a launch party July 13th @ 6:00 Pm. FNM 6 Packs M13 draft 25.00
We need to know who wants to attend so we can be sure to have enough inventory and prize support. You can sign up in the store by telephone or by Email ...
Grasslands table all set to go!
Desert table Ready to go as well!
Now we begin the most difficult table we may have ever done....Trench Warefare!
Like we said before...you dont wanna miss this!
Come in and sign up now! We are down to the last sign up sheet and the first 3 lines are already full!
The countdown draws near...which alliance will you survi...
The countdown draws closer! Sign up now and join your alliance. This is a pic of the World Map we have put together and painted. First stage is complete. Base coat and Drybrush! Now we begin the details
A close Up of the detail Step
One More pic! ...
New Website Very close! Please keep an eye out for our new website we have spent alot of time making it fun, imformative and rewarding. The Website address will be PhoenixGamesReborn.C...